There are more then 50 different climbing locations in Istria (Slovenia, Croatia and Italy) which because of different orientations of the walls make climbing here a year round activity. Climbing areas are very different from very well developed popular venues, to more adventure climbing spots, hidden gems, secret crags,…
The rock is always limestone as it’s best. Holds vary from big jugs, to small edges, friendly pockets, interesting tufas, funny corners, rounded slopers….everything that your forearms and fingers desire.
In Istria you can always find the climbing area that suits you and your friends the most!
In the area of the Adriatic sea there is a mediterranean climate, except in its northern part. In Trieste bay there is a slight feel of mainland climate, which leads to more rain fall and nice air temperatures in spring and autumn. So we say that Istria falls into a submediterranean type of climate, where, during the coldest part of winter, average temperatures don’t fall below +4 degrees Celsius and during the hottest part of the year, they rise over +22 degrees Celsius. An average rain fall per year is between 1000 and 1200mm.
From the view of sport climbing in general, climbing is possible during the whole year. Autumn and spring are top seasons with friendly temperatures to belayers as well. Sunny winter days are the most appreciated by the local climbers, where outside temperatures are just above zero, but when the sun hits the rock, everyone is climbing without a T-shirt. These are brilliant conditions for the hardest sport climbing routes.
If winter is about searching for the sun beam, summer is about avoiding it. Shade can be found pretty much on every climbing area. Early morning or evening days out climbing are doable. In meantime, a quick jump into the Adriatic sea nearby will do you good.
Since different sectors reach their optimal climbing conditions in different seasons of the year or certain weather, here’s a list of our recommendations where to go:
– In spring/autumn: Mišja peč, Osp, Val Rosandra, Buzetski kanjon, Kamena vrata, Kompanj
– In summer: Portafortuna, Osp, Buzetski kanjon, Kanjon Rječine, Pazin and secret areas such as: Baratro in Italy or Skedenj in Slovenia
– In winter: Mišja peč, Osp, Napoleonica, Buzetski kanjon, Dvigrad, Kompanj, Pandora
– In case of rain: Osp, Mišja peč
– In case of strong wind: Risnik, Napoleonica, Kompanj, Pandora