Nice weekend in Osp
For the weekend Osp was full of climbers from everywhere. It was nice weather, people were having fun and many hard routes were climbed. In between as well:
In sector Babna on saturday Italian from Liguria currently living in Trieste, Carlo Giuliberti, made a quick ascent of Babna‘s hardest route – Veper lady, 8b.
The same day in Mišja peč strong Jakob Bizjak easily redpointed short and powerful Marjetica, 8b. The same day as well Janez Miklavčič suceeded in his hardest flash till date, route called Čao bejbe with grade around 8a.
On sunday Mišja welcomed Gašper Pintar, who putted the rope in the anchor on the top of the hard, crimpy 8b, called Chiquita.
Today is raining but tomorrow the sun will come out and bring prime condition in the region for a while. 😀