Latest climbing news from Istria
Warming up this Thursday in Mišja peč @photo by Klemen Bečan
Until Saturday climbing conditions in Istria were perfect, sun and dry rocks motivated a lot of climbers to go to their favourite crags. Many nice and also hard routes were climbed almost everywhere. Let us mention some of the most remarkable ascents.
Jernej Kruder climbed the multipitch Stara (8b+, 130m) in the big wall of Osp. This is second free ascent of this historic aid route from 1977. The first ascent was done by Luka Krajnc in 2016. More about the route in this link to the video.
After redpointing Stara, Jernej went in sector Babna above the village of Osp and onsighted a nice route Fantastic voyage (8a+). Couple of days later he succeeded in Sbisigando con l’Orango (8b+) in sector Mano di Fatima in Napoleonica.
In Mišja peč, Rajko Zajc climbed Karizma (8b+), Jaka Šprah fired the long Sreča vrtnice (8b) and Jakob Bizjak short and bouldery Eagles (8b). Davide Gaeta redpointed Lahko noč Irena (8b) over there, while Luka Biščak bolted a new project, the extension of Krvave dimlje (7b+) and it looks quite hard.
The Hungarian Tamas Farkas visited RockNRoč and crushed the short and steep route named The time (8b+).
Klemen Bečan was climbing a bit everywhere. In Limski kanal, in sector Gavranik above the road, he freed the last project over there, the 4th route from the left, a strange route with two hard moves, a jump to a one-finger pocket in 7c/8a range.
Now the weather forecast doesn’t look so much promising, but hopefully it will neither rain too much, so the rocks will remain dry. We are just hoping that also the sun will return as soon as possible.