Popolni mrk alias Total eclipse, the 8c in Mišja peč climbed by Sbisi
On a cloudy Wednesday Gabriele Gorobey – Sbisi from Trieste showed up in Mišja peč with his friend Giulio. It was a cold day with some wind breeze, but allowed good friciton with the rock. Sbissi used good conditions to repeat a hard and crimpy 8c in the central part of Mišja peč named Popolni mrk (Total eclipse).
The route is about 35 meters long where the first 15 meters are pumpy followed with a long and very hard boulder on small crimps and bad footholds in gently overhanging wall. After that you get a decent rest on small tufas and exciting steep boulder to finish on top of the wall.
BRAVO Sbisi! 😀