Girls rock in Istria
Ana Ogrinc in Baratroneta (8a+), Baratro @ photo by Elena Facco
Summer is here and some climbers just don’t care about it!
Ana Ogrinc visited the big cave in Osp where she redpointed the tufa paradise extension of Trojanski konj (7c+) named Laokoon with the grade of 8a. A couple of days later she went climbing in Baratro, secret cave above Trieste where she ticked Baratroneta (8a+). Looks like she is back in full shape!
Saša Vidmar got back to Baratro as well, where she climbed the easier variation of Masochismo (8b) which she did some weeks ago, named Siddharta with the grade of 8a+.
One French guy called Dorian Decriteau didn’t bother the summer heat at all and went climbing to Mišja peč where he smashed the endurance testpiece Lazuret (8b). Pretty awesome if you consider summer temperatures, Mišja pečs polishness and so on.