Bad weather forecast for the next days
Looks like the bad weather is going to hit Istria in the next days as well. It should start raining today and unfortunately it won’t end till the Monday morning. At least this is what meteorologists say.
Until now there were perfect conditions for climbing in Istria. Summer crags like the big Osp cave was totally dry, tufas in the summer sector called Befana in Buzetski kanjon were dryed out, also the secret summer climbing areas like Baratro and Skedenj were not humid anymore.
In the last days in the big cave of Osp Luka Šorli ticked Jurij Ravnik’s route with the name “Helihopter v omaki” with the grade 8b. It is about 30 meters long route which overhangs for about 15 meters. First 10 meters are easy on tufas with the grade around 7a-7b, then comes a couple of powerful moves which bring you directly to the crux on the undercut with your left hand and some power endurance moves for another 10 meters where you get a decent rest sitting on a big stalactite and some easier finish in fully horizontal roof. Nice powerful route indeed!
Besides that, Žiga Debevec flashed his first 8a, the classic powerfest Giljotina in Mišja peč and Polish girl Karolina Oška smashed on her 2nd go Befana magica in Buzetski kanjon.
Hopefully it won’t rain too much in the next days, so the climbing areas will remain dry and perfect for climbing.