Istrian Rocktober
It’s not only happening on Octoberfest, f… Rocktober is in Istria! Good conditions are here, enthusiastic climbers are filling the crags, and nature makes you feel nice and warm in it’s autumn colors.
Let’s start with the queen of our climbing areas, Mišja peč.
Young and strong guns Klemen Novak and Matevž Stopar both redpointed Lahko noč Irena (8b) in a burning sunny day and Australian Heather Trevarthen smashed Samsara (8a) in a great style. Rajko Zajc was busy with rebolting classics like super steep Talk is cheap (8c) and short, bouldery Truplojedka (8a+). The later one was flashed by Žan Lovenjak Sudar. Great job, everyone!
A couple of hundred meters to the left in the big cave of Osp, Italian Enrico Cassol succeeded in one of the rare repeats of Klemen Bečan’s hard 8b, Bala Bala. You can check Stripe Visual’s video here, if you haven’t seen it yet!
Jernej Kruder visited RockNRoč where he onsighted Nairobi (8a) and on a second go dispatched The time (8b+), later one, he said, felt really soft for its grade. Heh, strong Kruder! 🙂
More to come for sure in the next days!