Janja Garnbret makes FA of Ninja želva (8c)
Domen Škofic in Ninja želva (8c) @ photo by Piotrek Deska
This years best lead world cup circuit couple Janja Garnbret and Domen Škofic showed up in Mišja peč last week. Totally relaxed after the mega successful WC season, they wanted to try something hard, really hard, but still without any expectations, no pressure, no grades, so they decided to give a go in one of the last remaining projects of Mišja peč!
The extension of the classic Tortuga (turtle in english, 7b), in the left part of Mišja peč was bolted by Mitja Bizjak and Klemen Vodlan couple of years ago, and it goes directly in a big roof above the last bolt of Tortuga and involves a hard powerful and as well fully technical boulder problem for around 10 moves to get to the lip in the grade range of FB7c. They have tried really hard and on second go they both succeeded, Janja making the first ascent and immediately after Domen repeating it.
They proposed a grade of the route to be an 8c, although they said they might be a bit out of outdoor grading shape at the moment.
*Tortuga in Italian means a turtle in English and in Slovene želva, that’s why the routes name is Ninja želva. 🙂