Latest climbing news from Istria
Photo @ Mišja peč
In the last two weeks conditions for climbing in Istria were just great, that is why so many hard routes and boulders were climbed all around Istria.
Let’s start with young Lan Čreslovnik, who was born in 2008 and this week he crushed his first 8a, Iglu in Mišja peč. Way to go kiddo!
Slovenian climbing champ, Domen Škofic, showed up in Mišja peč after a long time and on his second try (he did some tries many years ago) ticked one of his last routes in Mišja peč, the classic powerfest, Za staro kolo in majhnega psa (8c+). More information about Za staro kolo you can find here.
Moritz Welt finished his project by clipping the chains of Martin Krpan (9a) in the right part of Mišja peč. It is already 16th ascent of the first Slovene 9a. More about the route you can find here.
Here you have a video of uncut send by Moritz!
Besides climbing Martin Krpan (9a), Moritz did as well Vizija (8c), Kaj ti je deklica (8b+) on his second go, bouldery Matrix (8b) also on second go, flashed Zajček (8a), onsighted Oktoberfest (8a) and flashed/onsighted Strta srca (8a+) after belaying his friend already 5 years ago. Crazy ticklist!
Another German guy, Marius Jauernik redpointed artificial Mrtvaški ples (8b) and Slovenian Matjaž Zorko onsighted Tekila (8a).
Jernej Kruder was bouldering on beautiful and hard boulder called Yugoskala above the village of Ajdovščina where he smashed Zig Zag (FB8a+) and Circle of life (FB8a).
In Croatian Istria, Ivana Staraj redpointed another 8a, this time the steep Neytiri (8a) in Pandora. Local climber Goran Matika was cleaning under the wall of Kompanj, where in between he did one of the rare ascents of bouldery Der Suderer (8b).
A falcon is nesting on top of Ponarejena želva (7b) in Mišja peč. Until further notice we ask climbers to avoid routes between Minulet (7b+) and 9a (6c). Thank you!