Latest redpoints from Istria
photo @ Mitja Jereb climbing Kaj ti je deklica (8b+) in Mišja peč
The weather is treating us really well this winter. The sun is out, all the routes are totally dry and the psyche is high.
Many climbers are proving their shapes all around Istria, but the hardest routes are as usual done in the epicentre of hard-core climbing, Mišja peč.
Austrian Jakob Greistorfer succeeded in two 8b+’s, the short and bouldery Missing drink and long and sustained Kaj ti je deklica. The latter one was also done by Slovenian Mitja Jereb and Italian Giuseppe Nolasco, who redpointed as well Strelovod (8c) and flashed the classic powerfest Mrtvaški ples (8b). His friend, Stefano Bianchi, climbed the shorter version of Strelovod (8c), named Marjetica (8b). Mrtvaški ples was also climbed as a first 8b for Croatian Siniša Škalec and by Poland Piotrek Bialas.
A bit more to the north, in beautiful setting above Nova Gorica, the local Jure Piršič climbed probably the best route of Lijak, named James Bond (8b). This masterpiece was first ascended a couple of years ago by restless Luka Biščak.
And an IMPORTANT WARNING by Rirockclimbing:
Due to the recent increase of climbers coming to Medveja, our visitors need to be reminded to park their vehicles only in designated areas. The limited parking areas are listed in all available Climbing Guides and therefore, do your homework and park on the two parking places by the main road. Do not drive down the narrow road. It‘s absolutely forbidden to camp or sleep illegally at the crag or anywhere near, not to mention the building of fire or anything similar.
The crag is in the buffer zone of the protected area Nature Park Učka and is surrounded by private property. Climbers are invited to understand and respect the sensitivities of this unique climbing environment and to reduce their impact as much as possible.
Remember, we as climbers, are personally responsible for our outdoor landscapes. Without them, we have no place to CLIMB.
Thank you.