Gogo in Snejkuljcica
Gogo in Snejkuljcica

New routes in Istria

Gogo in Snejkuljčica (8b) in Kamena vrata @ Photo by Anja Bečan

In Kamena vrata Klemen Bečan cleaned the route he had opened 2 years ago. Soon after Gogo – Goran Matika did the first ascent of it – Hollywood, beautiful 27 meters vertical wall with the grade of 7b. It is located first to the left of Snejkuljčica, another Klemen Becan’s 8b.

In Istarske toplice in the new sector on the far left, Carlo Giuliberti bolted and climbed a new challenge: It’s hard to be short, 8b. As the name says, its totally height depended – morphological and thus much harder for shorter climbers. It involves 6 really hard moves on bad holds and poor footholds. It is gently overhanging with nice climbing for around 30 meters.

In Čiritež Borna Čujič made the first ascent with onsighting Damask, a new 7a+ in sector Rock n Roč.