Perfect winter in Istria
Photo @ Sunset in Istria
This year is one of the best winters for climbing in Istria as far as we remember. Almost no rain, so everything is dry all the time. Of course, climbers are everywhere around using prime conditions to climb.
Hardest route climbed in the last weeks was the powerful classic Missing link (8b+) in Mišja peč which was done by Andraž Gregorčič and Nejc Sitar. Also in Mišja peč, Jaka Šprah ticked another long 8b, this time the extension of JSFK which has an amazing dyno on the top of the 35 meters long route. Another long 8b over there was climbed by Jakob Šparovec who clipped the chains of crimpy and painful Gorenjski šnops (8b).
Lijak near Nova Gorica is this year really popular. Luka Zazvonil onsigted cruxy Hitri test (8a) and did Lastovičji rep (8b). The same route was on the same day done also by restless Franci Jensterle and flashed by Dominik Fon.
Matjaž Zorko was climbing in Osp, in sector Babna where he crushed the hardest route there, classic Veper lady (8b). He visited as well Rock’n’Roč near Buzet where he onsighted the super steep Pelinkovac (8a). A bit more to the east, on the east coast of Istria, in scenic Medveja, he onsighted another 8a, Venga vecchio.
In Kompanj, Luka Meštrovič added a new combo route Truffelschwein original with a proposed grade of 8a. He thinks it might be the most popular 8a of Kompanj. It starts in Truffelschwein (7a), so avoids the original start in morpho Gayline (7c) and then continues in its extension graded 8a+.
As the beautiful weather continues, we will keep delivering the climbing news. Have fun at the crag!