Rocktober has almost finished! It was a really nice weather for the whole month with superb climbing conditions in the shade, also crags like Baratro, Skedenj, Grotta Caterina or the big cave of Osp remained dry until now. So, of course, many, many hard routes were climbed everywhere around Istria. Let us mention at least some of them.
In Mišja peč, Klemen Kejžar redpointed the classic powerfest Talk is cheap (8c) while Jakob Bizjak smashed long and crimpy Vizija (8c). 15 years old Czech girl, Michaela Smetanova, visited this legendary climbing area as well and ticked Giljotina (8a) and also Chiquita (8a), on her second go respectively. Boulderer Miha Hribar changed the crashpad for a rope and in search for endurance clipped the chains of two 8b’s there on the same day, Marjetica (8b) and Marioneta (8b). The later one was done as well by Polish climber, Rafal Bak, who visited also the big cave of Osp where he succeeded in super steep Helihopter v omaki (8b). The same route was in these days onsighted by young gun Klemen Novak and redpointed by Polish Lukasz Debowski and Croatian Igor Čorko. It was a first 8b for Igor after his accident just half a year ago when he broke both heels and his arm. Respect, Igor!
Passing the Italian border, in secret crag of Baratro, Saša Vidmar used probably the last good climbing conditions this year with sending La formica atomica (8a).
In Croatia, more precisely in Kompanj, Hungarian Simon Bence pulled himself through the perfect Der Berg ruft (8b). His friend Tamas Farkas visited the scenic Medveja, where he flashed Total extreme (8a). The same route in perfect rock full of kneebars was done on second go by French lady named Cathy Wagner, by profession English teacher and most probably the lady with the most 8a’s on her ticklist in the world, almost 700. Wow!