Strong Slovenians & Croatians
Gogo in Bitka 8b in the big cave of Osp @Photo by Luka Tambača
Members of Slovenian junior climbing team, Tim Unuk and Martin Bergant, were crushing in Mišja peč again. Tim Unuk climbed Vizija 8c on his sixth try. Chain reaction followed and just couple of minutes later Martin Bergant clipped the chains of his first 8c, Vizija as well. The same day he did also Lahko noč Irena, 8b.
Katarina Kejžar visited classic Črni kal where she dispatched beautiful and technical slab JJJ, 8a.
Her brother, Klemen Kejžar, went to forgotten bouldering area above Črni kal called Černobil. In bad conditions he squezzed one of the first FB8a blocs in Slovenia, Urh Čehovin’s Klop, first ascended back in 2003. Bravo Klemen! 😀 Link to the video of ascent
Croatian invasion happened in the big cave of Osp! Goran Matika – Gogo fired the quick ascent of 55 meters long endurance testpiece Bitka s stalaktiti, 8b. He redpointed also Helihopter v omaki (8b in the big cave of Osp as well). Gianfranco Dušič showed his form again with onsighting the first part of Active discarge, 8a. Next time to the top! 😉
In the big cave of Osp Jurij Ravnik bolted a new route in between Dance without sleeping and Try (just a little bit harder). The new route with the name Poskus ni ples shares the first bolt with Try, then it goes straight up for 30 meters and has a grade soft 7c.
Jani Zoraj, young Croatian girl, this time visited Buzetski kanjon, sector Đoser, where on her second go climbed short and bouldery Radioactive, 8a+.