Sun, crowds & pleasant conditions for climbing
photo @ the magnificent view from Črni kal
Finally, the sun got out and pleasant conditions for climbing arrived, so yeah, on Saturday there were crowds in all the climbing areas around Istria and many hard routes were climbed. Sunday was a bit cloudy, yesterday it rained, but now the sun is back and it should stay for at least couple of days.
Nikola Kramarić from Split, Croatia, made a fast ascent of famous Missing link (8b+) and also flashed Sonce v očeh (8a+), both in the right part of Mišja peč in sector called »freezer« by the locals.
Then his friend, Vana Piccini, crushed Samsara (8a) in Mišja peč, as well Zadnja skušnjava (8a) in sector Babna in Osp.
Another Croatian, this time from Rijeka, Lucija Brkić clipped the chains of her first 8a, Samsara in Mišja peč.
Mrtvaški ples (8b), the classic powerfest in Mišja peč was climbed by Slovenian Robert Buh and young Italian Paolo Sterni, son of famous Trieste alpinist Marco Sterni.
In sector above the village of Osp named Banje, young Ukrainian Illya Bakhmet Smolenskyi ticked Osapska mumija (8b), which he found pretty hard for its grade compared to Osapski pajek (8c), which he did a couple of days ago. Afterwards he did as well Marjetica (8b) in Mišja peč. More to come!
See you at the crag folks!