Water world (9a) in Osp cave climbed by Matteo Menardi
Photo @ Matteo Menardi during his redpoint in Water world (9a) in the big cave of Osp
There were crowds and climbers and hard ascents everywhere in Istria in the last days. The weather except the last weekend was great! Here are some of the news about hard ascents that we managed to catch in between.
In the big cave of Osp, Italian Matteo Menardi climbed his 7th 9a, the majestic 55 meters long Water world, first ascended by Klemen Bečan. Here is the video of Klemen’s FA! Enjoy! 😉
Another inspiring ascent was done in the same cave. 54 years old Italian, Alessandro Neri after 40 years of climbing crushed his second 8c, Helikopter v pošasti, another 55 meters long endurance pitch.
One more 8c was done in the last days. Jaka Šprah made the first repeat of Goran Matika’s Grinta, the hardest route of Buzetski kanjon situated in the right steep part of sector Slap. He needed just 4 tries to clip the anchor. Besides that, he onsighted in the same sector hard and super steep Izvor života (8a). In summer sector named Befana, Miha Pančur ticked the beautiful Lap dance (8b).
In Mišja peč, ex World Cup competitor, Jorg Verhoeven hiked on his second go thru the classic Kaj ti je deklica (8b+). Also, youth Austrian and Bayern climbing teams were there and smashed many of the powerful classics in this area. Fabian Leu climbed the classic power endurance challenge Mrtvaški ples (8b). The same route was done by Italian Steve Luccarda, while his friend Francesca Medici ticked Samsara (8a) and Chiquita (8a), both on her second go, plus Corto (8a) as well. Then from the Czech Republic young Tereza Širučkova fired Giljotina (8a) and Sonce v očeh (8a+) while her friend Michaela Smetanova putted the rope in the chains of crimpy Oktoberfest (8a).
In Val Rosandra, in sector Strapiombi delli Vergini, Martin Bombač redpointed Anek (8b). Congrats to you all!
Unfortunately, there is some rain in the next days predicted, hopefully it will be gone soon! Many more news will follow this week, so stay tuned!