New 8c FA in Skedenj by Gabriele Gorobey
Gabriele Gorobey Sbisi made a FA of an extension of famous warm up route Rototom (7a) in secret cave Skedenj close to Sežana in Slovenia, now named Rototom Sun Splash with a proposed grade of 8c. Bolted by Stefano Varnerin couple of years ago and named after famous reggae festival in Osoppo, Italy. After the 7a, you get a decent rest followed by hard boulder on small undercuts in full roof, some big holds after and an amazing prow to finish on top of the cave. One of the hardest as well best routes in Skedenj for sure! Bravo Sbisi!
Also in Skedenj, Luka Zazvonil proved his shape by doing two 8b’s both of them on second go, Fight the Faida, super steep and athletic 8b as well tricky Roulette (8b). Davide Gaeta also ticked one 8b over there, the classic Sežana 31249 (8b).
Miha Pančur visited another secret crag Baratro couple of times and succeeded in Masochismo (8b) and in Violento dubbio (8b).
More to come!