Attila climbed by Debevec and Kejžar
The hardest route climbed last week in Istria was for sure Attila (8c/c+), a very artificial 15 meters long, really steep power endurance testpiece of Baratro. It was climbed by Slovenians Klemen Kejžar and Žiga Debevec. For Žiga this was his first 8c or more. Great work guys!
Another record was achieved in the big cave of Osp, where Peter Juvan succeeded in his first 8b ever by clipping the chains of the classic 55 meters long endurance route called Bitka s stalaktiti which in translation means »The fight with the stalactites«. Also in the big cave of Osp Jernej Kruder made the first ascent of a combination of the routes Helihopter v omaki (8b) and Osapska pošast (8c). After you reach the chain of Helihopter v omaki you continue to the left through the big system of tufas, many no hand rests to join Osapska pošast in the higher part and finish on its anchor at around 50 meters of height. The proposed grade is also around 8c.
Jernej visited as well the secret crag near Sežana called Skedenj where he easily redpointed Sežana 31249 (8b).
More news to come in the next days.