August 2016

Last week Klemen Kejžar flashed his first 8b+ ever, Supercanna or also named Il ritorno di Placcoman in Baratro. The route in the middle of the cave is around 20 to 25 meters long characterized by pure power endurance and is surprisingly one of the most natural routes of Baratro. Bravo Klemen! Besides he also climbed in his first try the »last addition« of Baratro, the

The perfect summer venues , that are secret because of the private property and small parking places, saw some hard ticks last week when the conditions were perfect for climbing. In Skedenj near Sežana, Matej Sova made the second repeat of recently broken Vision, now with the grade of 8b+ characterized by a hard morphological boulder at the start passing the horizontal roof. Kadja Kadič climbed Happy

The hardest route climbed last week in Istria was for sure Attila (8c/c+), a very artificial 15 meters long, really steep power endurance testpiece of Baratro. It was climbed by Slovenians Klemen Kejžar and Žiga Debevec. For Žiga this was his first 8c or more. Great work guys! Another record was achieved in the big cave of Osp, where Peter Juvan succeeded in his first 8b

Biggest news from the last days comes from the legend of Slovenian sports climbing, 49 years old restless Franci Jensterle who just fired his long term project, Bimba Yena (8c/c+) in Baratro. Bimba Yena was first ascended by Matej Sova back in 2007. It is around 20 meters long route, characterized by athletes’ requirement of extreme power endurance on crimps, sloppers and sideholds. Bravo Frenk! Also

Mia Krampl trying Sežana 31249 (8b) @photo by her coach Anže Štremfelj Couple of days ago 16 years old Mia Krampl, last year’s European Youth Champion in lead, succeeded in her first 8a+ onsight. She fired the classic crimpy endurance testpiece called Sex and Candy in the secret crag of Skedenj near Sežana. The route is about 25 meters long and quite overhanging. It has one good