Extreme heat in Istria
The extreme heat arrived in Istria. Last days were still possible to climb hard, but in the next days it is probably best to escape somewhere higher in the mountains.
Some of the ascents of the last week were:
In Italian Baratro Carlo Giuliberti onsighted Placcoman and flashed Formica atomica lunga (both 8a). Stefan Bednar before finishing his Erasmus study and leaving Istria fired another two 8b+’s in Baratro: Holokaust and La peste nera.
Also in Skedenj near Sežana in Slovenia Luka Zazvonil made a fast repeat on his 2nd go of classic Sežana 31249 (8b).
In the next days temperatures will rose up to almost 40C in the region, so or you escape in the mountains, or go to the beach and enjoy the sea with some cold drinks in the shade. Maybe you are tired from climbing all-year round and you need a proper rest. Why not? 😀