Happy new year 2023!
With a bit of delay, but still from the heart, we wish you a happy new year 2023. Let this year bring you many clipped anchors of amazing routes in beautiful climbing areas with your best friends.
With this occasion we have prepared a bit of Istrian climbing statistics for the year 2022.
A lot of routes were climbed last year in Istria. The hardest achievements can be found here down low.
Adam Ondra striked again and did the hardest onsight in Istria ever, Water world (9a), in the big cave of Osp.
Only 13 years old Andrea Chelleris ticked the hardest route by his age in Istria, Martin Krpan (9a), in Mišja peč. The same route was done on second go by Alex Megos. Martin Krpan (9a) was also climbed by Alex Ventajas and Jakob Bizjak.
Matjaž Zorko used good conditions for climbing in the big cave of Osp in winter and spring where he smashed Halupca (9a) and Water world (9a).
Mateusz Haladaj and Jernej Kruder both redpointed Sanjski par extension (9a) in the left part of Mišja peč.
On the female side, the hardest route in 2022 climbed was Talk is cheap (8c) in Mišja peč by Lucija Tarkuš.
The hardest first ascent of the last year was The end (8c+) in Medveja by Domen Škofic.
Baratro above Trieste got reopened. Angela Eiter and Bernie Ruech have bolted the new climbing area near Čiritež in Croatia, now called Bat cave. More infos to come in the next days on our site.
Rebolting was done in Italian crags (Napoleonica and Val Rosandra) by restless Luciano Frezzolini. In Slovenian part of Istria, Projekt OSP rebolted hundreds of routes in Črni kal, Mišja peč and Osp. Croatian bolters were rebolting Raspadalica. Thanks to all!
Also, the first World Cup in lead climbing happened on Istrian ground in Koper by Plus climbing gym in the beginning of September.
And the 2022 stats for www.climbistria.com. There were more then 81.000 pageviews of our site this year by more then 25.000 different users from 150 countries around the globe. Quite impressive!
Let’s hope for even better 2023! Have fun!