Helihopter v pošasti (8c) by Igor Čorko (52)
Igor Čorko aka Deda, from Varaždin in Croatia, has climbed his first 8c in 2015, Osapska pošast (8c) in the big cave of Osp, being 45 years old. Five years later he added another one to his lifetime ticklist, this time Strelovod (8c) in Mišja peč. Now, with the age of 52 years, he redpointed his third one, Helikopter v pošasti (8c), also in the big cave of Osp. Big respect mr. Igor Čorko! You are the inspiration to all of us!
Alex Ventajas, Spaniard currently living in Italy, visited the big cave of Osp as well, where he onsighted Troja (8a+), Baram Baram (8a) and redpointed Helihopter v omaki (8b) on the of the day on his second go.
In the same cave, Pole climber, Basia Cyszynska powered thru the endurance testpiece of Laokoon (8a).
Eliska Adamovska, World Cup competitor from Czech republic, has visited Mišja peč for 4 days where she crushed powerful Missing drink (8b+), long Sreča vrtnice (8b) and technical Pikova dama (8b) in couple of tries.
Pole youth climbing team visited Mišja peč. Their ticklist is long!
Pola Pietkiewicz, ticked Mrtvaški ples (8b), Samsara (8a), Corto (8a) and Iglu (8a). 14 years old Gustaw FG clipped the chains of his first 8a, classic Samsara (8a). Jan Swed also redpointed his first two 8a’s, Corto and Iglu. Another Pole youngster, 16 years old Szymon Dabrowski, climbed his first 8b, powerful Mrtvaški ples. The same route was done as well by 14 years old German teenager, Lucas Trandafir. 16 years old Pole Mikolaj Heretyk smashed the short and steep Missing drink (8b+). The same route was done also by Jerzy Laskowski, while their teammate Tomek Zacharewicz climbed long and techy Pikova dama (8b).
17 years old Ukranian girl, Anastasiia Lukashina, climbed the powerful Giljotina (8a).
Local Slovenian climber, Jaka Šprah, was trying Martin Krpan (9a) and then after he sent bouldery but long Lucky Luke (8b).
In Italy, in Val Rosandra, in sector Strampiombi delle Vergini, local climber, Marco Saule, made a first ascent of a new connection between the start of Anek (8b) and the end of Via di Paolo (7c), now with name La sfuriata and a proposed grade of 8a.
Looks like tomorrow it should rain, but then the sun will be back again. Enjoy the rocks in Istria!