the big cave of Osp
the big cave of Osp

Croatians in the big cave of Osp

Summer has arrived in Istria! The temperatures have already reached 30 degrees Celsius, but you can always cool down in the refreshing waters of the Adriatic Sea. It seems that Croatians don’t mind the heat.

Aleksandar Zagorec – Aco climbed his first 8b by clipping the chains of the first part of Helikopter v pošasti (8b) in the big cave of Osp. His colleague Igor Čorko – Deda completed another 8b in the big cave of Osp, this time Leon (8b). A month ago, he also redpointed Woking class hero (8b), click for the news here. Now he is attempting Working Leon (8c), a combination of the most challenging sections of Working class hero (8b) and Leon (8b). To tackle the difficult and crimpy crux in between, he found an easier detour to the left. Yesterday, he added a new bolt for a modified version of the route. Let’s wait for the first ascent.

In Croatia, in the centre of Istria at Pazinska jama, Goran Matika – Gogo completed another first ascent, a beautiful route spanning almost 40 meters in the highest sector on the far left side. More information will be provided soon.

Secret crag Baratro, located above Trieste, appears to be dry. For more infos about the crag, please refer to their Facebook page.

The weather forecast for the next few days predicts warm and sunny conditions, with temperatures slightly below 30 degrees Celsius. Therefore, climbing in the summer crags of Istria will be enjoyable.

Enjoy your climbing!