Youngsters in action
As the temperatures dropped a bit, also climbers hit the road towards Istrian »summer« climbing areas.
Klemen Novak visited Baratro where he flashed Placcoman (8a) and redpointed Dino Šturmans artificial Attila (8c), which was first ascended by Swiss climber Simon Wandeler. The extension named Attila lunga (8c+) was later freed by Matej Sova. The first part consists of a hard bouldery start on small crimps in a 45-degree overhang, an OK rest and another awkward boulder on a sloppy tufa to resistant finish on about 15 meters of height. The extension adds another 15 meters of endurance climbing in Il sicario sanguinario (8c) with another spicy and crimpy boulder near the top.
Also, Austrian Mani Hubar was in Baratro where he flashed classic routes Placcoman (8a) and Violenza carnale (8a).
Then young Slovenian girls Ema Seliškar and Lucija Tarkuš visited Osp for couple of days of holidays. Firstly, they climbed in Mišja peč where Ema executed and did Mrtvaški ples (8b), first part of Chiquita (8a) on her second go and Giljotina (8a), as well. Lucija clipped the chains of Lahko noč Irena (8a+/b).
The last day they visited the super steep big cave of Osp, where they both smashed Laokoon (8a) on their second go, while Ema onsighted also the first part of Osapska pošast (7c+).
Some warmer days ahead, but hopefully not for too long. Enjoy the summer vibes in Istria!