Photo @ Inga Patarčić in Bitka s stalaktiti (8b) in the big cave of Osp

1st of May

1st of May in Istria was a bustling affair, with climbers flocking to the region to take advantage of the splendid weather and ideal climbing conditions. The crags echoed with the sounds of success as climbers conquered challenging routes, marking remarkable achievements throughout the area. Let’s delve into the highlights of the most notable ascents in Istria.

Croatian climber, Inga Patarčić, achieved a significant milestone by conquering the daunting 55-meter marathon testpiece, Bitka s stalaktiti (8b), nestled within the Osp cave. Surpassing expectations, Inga leapt straight to the grade of 8b with her ascent of Bitka (8b), skipping the intermediary grade of 8a+. Her accomplishment places her among the elite ranks of Croatian female climbers who have mastered the redpoint ascent of 8b.

Meanwhile, in the same cave of Osp, the USA/Romanian climber, John Ene, showcased his prowess by flashing the Bitka s stalaktiti (8b) and Troja (8a+) as well. Not to be outdone, his 14 years old daughter, the young prodigy Maya Ene, dazzled with her flashes of the first part of Active discharge (8a) and an onsight of Laokoon (8a), alongside an impressive flash of Corto (8a) in the neighbouring Mišja peč. Venturing to Medveja‘s Knezgrad sector, Maya crushed a second-go ascent of the bouldery L’Istrian (8a+). Looks like Klemen Bečan’s personal coaching is paying off!

Slovenian climber Tim Pahor joined the ranks of triumphant ascents in Osp cave by redpointing “the route of the week” Bitka s stalaktiti (8b).

Stefano Carnati‘s return to the Osp cave with a remarkable results as he conquered the Klemen Bečan’s Water World (9a). In secret crag, Baratro, above Trieste, he demonstrated his skill with an onsight of Placcoman (8a) and a redpoint ascent of L’ammazzasogni (8c) after an initial flash attempt fell short.

Another Italian climber Stefano Folgarait visited Mišja peč where he fastly climbed the king line of Pikova dama (8b) and Lahko noč Irena (8b), alongside a smooth onsight of the accessible Tekila (8a).

Additionally, Petar Gojtanić achieved a personal best with his ascent of Starec in morje (8c) amidst the picturesque surroundings of Limski kanal near Rovinj.

The 1st of May in Istria unfolded with a vibrant tapestry of traditions, from the serene morning wakening ceremony to the spirited evening bonfires and a myriad of other festivities.

With a promising weather forecast for the upcoming weekend, the rocks of Istria welcome climbers for another exhilarating adventure. A muerte!