Eastern holidays in Istria
Eastern holidays have come to a close, leaving bustling activity throughout Istria. Climbers from across the globe flocked to its crags, creating a vibrant atmosphere. The first week was marked by abundant rainfall, followed by a week of summer-like temperatures, offering a bit of everything. Let’s highlight some of the most notable ascents in our beloved Istria.
Trieste local climber, Luca Bacer climbed another 8c in Mišja peč, this time the natural version of classic powerfest Missing link (8b+). Natural version with its name Natural link and grade of 8c avoids two drilled pockets after the fourth quickdraw.
Ema Galeova from the Czech Republic had exceptionally productive days at Mišja peč, successfully redpointing the crimpy Lahko noč Irena (8b), Sonce v očeh (8a+), and Iglu (8a).
Vaclav Jaroš, also from the Czech Republic, climbed the chipped route Mrtvaški ples (8b) at the same crag.
Our German friend, Mona Kellner, a local climber from Frankenjura, visited several crags in Istria, achieving an impressive ticklist. At Buzetski kanjon in sector Pengari, she crushed La petarda (8a+). In Krkuž, she tackled the super steep Serigunčić (8a) on her second attempt. Then, at Kompanj, she sent the powerful Domaće kobasice (8a) and flashed the crimpy and soft La dottrina di Nappi Valentina (8a). She also visited Mišja peč, where she successfully climbed the popular Samsara (8a).
Additionally, 12-year-old Austrian climber Ella Graf was climbing in overhanging Pandora where she completed Neytiri (8a).
Congratulations to all!
However, there are some less pleasant news that we must address. Due to the heavy rainfall, tufas soften, and other rocks may become unstable, necessitating caution. Climbing outdoors differs from indoor gym climbing; nothing is entirely risk-free. In Kamena vrata, in the sector known as The Doors, a significant rock fragment fell from the route Tusta (6b). Fortunately, no injuries were reported. We strongly advise wearing a helmet in all the climbing areas.
Unfortunately, we again received reports of break-ins into cars and vans at the large parking area under Mišja peč and in Črni Kal. It’s ironic that parking fees are paid (at Mišja peč), yet thefts occur without any response from the parking owners or law enforcement. Please ensure to remove your valuable belongings from your car.
The weather forecast for the coming days is promising, with sunny and warm temperatures. Climbing in direct sunlight may be challenging, but shady sectors await your exploration. Have a fantastic time!