New routes in Buzetski kanjon
This spring Betka Galičič (Slovenian famous bolting lady, author of the majority of routes in Slovenia) cleaned and equipped 10 new routes in Buzetski kanjon near the town Buzet in Croatia. You will find them on the left side of sector Pengari. The routes are all 25-40 meters long in the range from 6a to 6c+. They are completely vertical and of great quality on
#Tbt Videos of Stefan Bednar in Sanjski par (9a)
#Tbt: In the end of May Stefan Bednar from Slovakia succeeded in his first 9a: Sanjski par extension in Mišja peč: check the news! In this post, we are attaching a video of his ascent of the route: And to make you laugh, here is a video of his brutal fall to the ground where he skipped three quickdraws in a row, knowing that in case of
Half-year stats
It's already been half a year since our portal was first launched and the time passed really fast! A lot had happened from the birth of the page that made us happy. Starting with our first visits and good feedbacks that grew interest among climbers, to more serious business later on, including our first promotions and first advertisements. We are proud to announce that in
Extreme heat in Istria
The extreme heat arrived in Istria. Last days were still possible to climb hard, but in the next days it is probably best to escape somewhere higher in the mountains. Some of the ascents of the last week were: In Italian Baratro Carlo Giuliberti onsighted Placcoman and flashed Formica atomica lunga (both 8a). Stefan Bednar before finishing his Erasmus study and leaving Istria fired another two 8b+'s
Summer warriors
@Gašper Pintar climbing Helihopter v omaki in the cave of OspWhat was happening last week in our beautiful Istria?There was burja AKA strong and cold wind from north-east which always brings us nice weather
Skedenj action
As the summer hitted the region, all the climbers moved to the cooler spots like Skedenj near Sežana. In Skedenj all the routes are totally dry, the temps under the wall are nice and some hard ascents were already registred. Strong Slovenian boulderer Boštjan Weingerl switched his crashpad for a rope and easily redpointed Sežana 31249 and Onda anomala (both 8b). Sežana 31249 was climbed as
Hot summer ascents in Osp/Mišja peč
The summer hit us really hard for this time of the year! Temperatures rose to more than 33C, but nevertheless some strong Slovenian climbers succeeded in one of their hardest redpoints to date. Ana Senegačnik Kurnik clipped the chains of Troja, beautiful endurance testpiece on big tufas in the big cave of Osp. It's Ana's first route of the grade 8a+. Good job! Also in the big
Rocco Romano and Fidel Incastro 9a
Rocco Romano became the first climber from Trieste (Friuli Venezia Giulia in Italy) to send a 9a! Yesterday he made the first repeat of Fidel Incastro, 9a in Grotta Caterina, close to Aurisina above Trieste. After he redpointed the endurance testpiece Osapska pošast (8c) in the big cave of Osp about a month ago, he returned in his best shape ever back to his last years
Action in the cave of Osp
Looks like everybody was climbing in the big cave of Osp in the last days. Conditions were good, so here are some highlights: The famous route this year in the big cave of Osp - Jure Ravnik's masterpiece Helihopter v omaki (8b) got another repeat this time by Marko Šturm. Luka Šorli redpointed the beautiful endurance test, the 55 meter long Bitka s stalaktiti (8b as well). Katarina
Stefan Bednar fired Sanjski par extension 9a
Stefan Bednar, 25 years old Erasmus student from Slovakia finally finished his long term project Sanjski par extension, 9a in Mišja peč. He was driving from Koper with his scooter to Mišja peč on a daily basis for 3 months till he succeeded in a fight with bad conditions. This is Stefan's first route with the grade of 9a. With crushing it he became the first Slovakian