
For the weekend Osp was full of climbers from everywhere. It was nice weather, people were having fun and many hard routes were climbed. In between as well: In sector Babna on saturday Italian from Liguria currently living in Trieste, Carlo Giuliberti, made a quick ascent of Babna's hardest route - Veper lady, 8b. The same day in Mišja peč strong Jakob Bizjak easily redpointed short and

Local climbing legend Mario Cortese bolted on Monday a new project in Mišja peč. One of the last logical lines in between Figa and J.S.F.K. is now waiting for a first ascent. The project is about 15-20 meters long, has seven bolts and around 15 hard moves and a working name Katzo. :) The project is open, so we are waiting for FA!

A strong and funny French climbing couple from Grenoble, Quentin Chastagnier and Lea Philippon went on a half year climbing trip from France to Turkey and back. Traveling with their van they have stopped a bit in Italy in the classic areas such as Val di Mello, Arco, passed Austria and climbed in Warmbad. Afterwards they came to Slovenia where they met our friend Martina

Hello people! We've heard rumours that there is one fresh spiderman named Tim Unuk driving on the roads of Slovenia. In between searching for casinos and well dressed top models he stoped as well in Mišja peč where he quickly send Lazuret, 30 meters of roof in 8b terrain. And then back again, girls, beaches, coctails

In between lead World Cup competions, Domen Škofic, currently best Slovenian lead climber took a short break of indoor training, to make a visit to sunny and overhanging Pandora. That day he easily onsighted Toruk Maktu 8b and on his 2nd go fired Es ist vollbracht, 8b+.

Looks like Rok Blagus is in shape of his life. This week he first climbed Osapski pajek, the 8b+ in sector above the village in Osp. Three days later he came back to Osp, this time to Mišja peč. He was succesfull again as he redpointed Marjetica, the short and powerfull 8b.

In the begining of October young Anže Varga showed up in Osp. First day he climbed in sector above the village where on his second go redpointed Matičkov svet, 8b. Next day he moved to Mišja peč. First he "flashed" classic Sonce v očeh (8a+). He belayed a friend in the route a couple of years ago, so he didn't remember almost anything. Later that

We are talking about old project bolted by Ive Brajković in Limski kanal in sector called Krugi. In more then 10 years not many climbers tried it. First tries were done by climbers from Pula - Čedo & Fićo. Years after climbers from Pazin - Gogo & Frenki put inside fixed quickdraws for higher motivation. They tried route on and off, broke some holds,

New addition to Karst edge climbing areas is the latest Slovenia's bolting lady Betka Galičič achievement Predloka. Climbing area with the same parking as Črni Kal, but following dirt road towards right for another 15 minutes. After nice you walk you will reach a beatiful 40 meters high vertical wall with routes in medium grades really well bolted for which you will need 80meters rope,