Miha Hribar sends Talk is cheap (8c)
Photo @ Miha Hribar in Talk is cheap (8c) in Mišja peč The last days in Istria were just bombastic, cold with fresh and dry wind from NE, but still fulfilled with sun and perfect climbing conditions. Many personal records were broken. Strong boulderer and owner of Balvanija climbing gym in Ljubljana, Miha Hribar climbed his first 8c ever, the classic powerfest Talk is cheap in the left
New Year specials
photo @ our queen, Mišja peč First of all, Happy New Year to all our followers! We wish you all even more hardcore redpoints, flashes or onsights, first ascents or even spending many unforgettable moments with your loves, best friends, relatives outdoors and of course injuries free 2019! Love you all! Christmas and New Year's day passed with bombastic climbing conditions! Everything was dry, NE fresh wind
Perfect winter conditions for climbing on Istrian sun
photo @ Klemen Bečan coaching As burja, the cold and dry wind from NE arrived, the temps had fallen significantly, but the sun arrived almost every day on our Istrian crags. Around 0C degrees in the morning and in one digit above during the day, so quite crispy in the morning and evening, but with wind protection you can easily climb without a T-shirt during the
Weekly climbing report from Istria
photo @ Mišja peč from the top Ukrainian World Cup competitor Fedir Samoilov finished his climbing holidays in bad climbing conditions (it was cloudy, humid & cold), but still clipped the chains of the super crimpy testpiece Popolni mrk (8c) in the central part of Mišja peč. When he went back home, perfect climbing conditions returned, so Jaka Šprah fired Nočna kronika to the top (8b), the
Hard redpoints in Mišja peč
photo @ Mišja peč in the sunset All the hardcore climbers seem to head down to Mišja peč in these days, of course the temps dropped down a bit, "burja" arrived and the conditions got prime. World Cup competitor, young Ukranian Fedir Samoilov clipped the chains of 35 meters long resistant classic Histerija (8c+) after falling about ten times on the last desperate move. He also redpointed
Holidays, crowds, Jessy Pilz and more…
photo @ Osp river We know, we are a bit late with this post, but better now then never. Holidays around 1st of November ended, Halloween passed, there were such big crowds of climbers in Mišja peč, you can't imagine, the whole new parking place was totally full, there were climbers from all over Europe as there was pouring rain everywhere around, but Mišja peč remained dry! In
Rocktober has almost finished! It was a really nice weather for the whole month with superb climbing conditions in the shade, also crags like Baratro, Skedenj, Grotta Caterina or the big cave of Osp remained dry until now. So, of course, many, many hard routes were climbed everywhere around Istria. Let us mention at least some of them. In Mišja peč, Klemen Kejžar redpointed the classic
Barcolana 2018
This Sunday in Trieste bay, there was held the 50th and the largest Barcolana ever with the record number of sailing ships of 2689, the biggest sailing race in the world. It was won respectively by local crew of Spirit of Portopiccolo, there was the highspeed air show done by »frecce«, fire guns and supposedly around 300.000 visitors in Trieste that day. Check this nice
Another 9a, Martin Krpan, by Jakub Konečny
Photo @ Stefan Bednar on the crux of Martin Krpan (9a), famous traverse in the right part of Mišja peč Just a couple of days after succeeding in Sanjski par extension (9a) and Talk is cheap (8c) both on the same day, young and strong World Cup competitor Jakub Konečny from Czech Republic redpointed as well Martin Krpan (9a), the hardest route in the right part
Jakub Konečny climbs Sanjski par extension 9a
Photo @ Tedis cave in the left part of Mišja peč, home to some of the Slovenias hardest sport climbing routes: Vicious circle (9a+/b), Sanjski par extension (9a), mythical Za staro kolo in majhnega psa (8c+) and Talk is cheap (8c) Jakub Konečny, 19 years old climber from Czech Republic, had a really good qualifying round in the lead qualifications of World cup in Kranj this