Author: Klemen Vodlan

Last weekend Slovenian teenagers visited Mišja peč. 12 years old Tia Brnot Mrak cruised the classic power endurance Mrtvaški ples (8b), while 17 years old Sara Čopar succeeded in Kaj ti je deklica (8b+) on her third go. Martina Čufar did the first female ascent of this amazing 35 meters long route back in 1997 as the fifth female on the world redpointing 8b+. Deklica

13 years old Andrea Chelleris has done his first 9a, Martin Krpan in Mišja peč. Interesting, at the same age, also Adam Ondra succeeded in his first 9a by clipping the chains of Martin Krpan (9a). Martin Krpan (9a) was first ascended by Slovenian Jure Golob back in 2001. The futuristic line was bolted in the nineties of course by Tadej Slabe. It is about 60

After not getting in to the finals, lots of World cup competitors showed up in Mišja peč on Saturday. The highlight of the day was Alex Megos's second go ascent of Martin Krpan (9a). The redpoint looked quite easy, like Alex had still some juice left in the tank. He found it soft, but admitted that it suited his style perfectly. After he did also

Baratro is re-opened! Thanks to association "Proghetto Verticale Trieste"! Please follow the rules written here! Climbing area Baratro Association "Proghetto Verticale Trieste" welcomes all the climbers. Association was founded to save the access and frequency of the climbing areas around Trieste and the first result is in saving this magnificent climbing area named Baratro. It is wanted to mantain direct communication with all the climbers. Anyways, you are asked

35 years old Fabrizio Masoch climbs his first 8c by adding Helikopter v pošasti (8c) in the big cave of Osp to his ticklist. Helikopter v pošasti (8c) is a 55 meters long tufa wrestle that starts in Helikopter v omaki (8b) and after the chain turns to the left to finish in Osapska pošast (8c). It is characterized as an endurance route on tufas.

We have a new problematic issue to publish on our site: rebolting of existing routes in Istria. We got in contact with Slovenian Projekt OSP and have had an interesting interview with them. Three main Projekt OSP members Štefan Wraber, Jurij Ravnik and Rajko Zajc have given their answers to our questions. From our point of view, first we have to thank and congratulate Projekt OSP

On 2nd and 3rd of September first World Cup in lead climbing will be held in Koper, Slovenia, Istria. On a brand new wall in Koper lead competitors from all over the world will compete in Friday's qualifications at 9AM and semifinals at 8PM in the evening and Saturday's final's at 8PM in the evening. After the finals there will be a party and a

PLEASE SHARE THIS WITH ANYONE WHO LOVES OUR NATURAL CLIMBING WALLS To boil this letter down to bullet points for people skimming: - Our natural climbing walls in Italy, Slovenia and Croatia are getting chipped, drilled, and glued to death - It’s not a few routes, or a few holds, it is substantial manufacturing - Reports from locals are of entire crags put up with heavy fabrication - We want

Latest climbing news come from Baratro and the big cave of Osp. We have already reported about Luca Bacer's first ascent of L'ammazzasogni (8c) in Baratro a week ago. Besides that Jernej Kruder flashed short, powerful and as usual for Baratro totally artificial Corrida (8a+). Jaka Šprah redpointed probably the easiest 8b over there, Masochismo and the amazing power endurance fest La peste nera (8b+).