Author: Klemen Vodlan

With a bit of delay, but still from the heart, we wish you a happy new year 2023. Let this year bring you many clipped anchors of amazing routes in beautiful climbing areas with your best friends. With this occasion we have prepared a bit of Istrian climbing statistics for the year 2022. A lot of routes were climbed last year in Istria. The hardest achievements can

Merry Christmas to all the climbers of Istria! December in Istria was so so considering the weather and conditions for climbing. That is why we didn't receive neither publish many climbing news. Of course, there were some nice and sunny days, so here are the climbing news. Trieste based local climber, Luca Bacer, has climbed his hardest route until now, the first part of roofy Sanjski par

On Saint Nicholas day Jernej Kruder got a present, his 10th route in the 9th grade, Sanjski par extension (9a) in Tedi's cave, in the left part of Mišja peč. After countless tries and many years of struggling in the route, he finally managed to clip the chains of this 20 meters long roof. You can read some history of the route here. Now the new

Adam Ondra has visited the big cave of Osp where in two days onsighted Water world (9a), Osapska pošast (8c) and Baram Baram (8a). Water world (9a) is Adam's third 9a onsight ever. He found the route soft for the grade (especially with the use of kneepads), but rather hard to onsight it as it's not quite obvious. He commented: "An amazing line from Klemen Bečan

Jakob Bizjak ticked one of the routes from his wish-list, Martin Krpan (9a) in the right part of Mišja peč. The first Slovene 9a and the third one for Jakob. Big congrats, Jakob Bizjak - Bizi! Some history about the route you can find here. Another Slovene climber, Janez Miklavčič, climbed one of his nemesis routes, the long, kind of awkward but still very nice Gorenjski

Mateusz Haladaj from Poland sent Sanjski par extension (9a) in Mišja peč. After falling after the last bolt last year, he came back this year with Poland Youth climbing team and clipped the chains. Mateusz has already done three 9a+'s and more than a dozen 9a's around the Europe. He found Sanjski par extension (9a) hard for its grade even using a kneepad. More information

Igor Čorko aka Deda, from Varaždin in Croatia, has climbed his first 8c in 2015, Osapska pošast (8c) in the big cave of Osp, being 45 years old. Five years later he added another one to his lifetime ticklist, this time Strelovod (8c) in Mišja peč. Now, with the age of 52 years, he redpointed his third one, Helikopter v pošasti (8c), also in the

18 years old Hungarian climber, Tusnady Nimrod visited Mišja peč and Osp cave during Halloween and All Saints' Day. Firstly, he climbed the powerful Talk is cheap (8c) in the left part of Mišja peč. Then he visited the big cave of Osp, where in one day he flashed Helihopter v omaki (8b) and onsighted Troja (8a+), Baram Baram (8a) and first part of Active discharge

What happened on the climbing scene during the last days in Istria? We can start with women this time. Lana Skušek climbed her hardest route, the long and beautiful Kaj ti je deklica (8b+) in Mišja peč. Vita Lukan took down the powerful Missing drink (8b+) on her second go. Young and strong Andrea Chelleris returned to Mišja peč and redpointed the classic Mrtvaški ples (8b). 15 years

Slovenian World Cup competitor, Martin Bergant, was on a sendtrain in Mišja peč. He had two amazing days. First day he completed the first part of crimpy and bouldery Človek ne jezi se (8c). Next day he crushed another 8c, the powerful classic Talk is cheap in the left part of Mišja peč. Teenagers from Balvanija bouldering center in Ljubljana visited Mišja peč again. 12 years